Grace and Hope

Grace and Hope
Wait for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always! Pslam 131:3

Sunday, September 8, 2024

July - August 2024

    June was a great kick off to the summer and July was no different. Aubrey and Avery enjoyed a weeklong sleepover camp in Austin. Some highlights were ziplining, mud pit, swimming, and time with Jesus! We missed them on July 4th, but Jay and I enjoyed a nice sushi date night, a movie in the theaters, serving with Isaiah House, and watching fireworks at Independence Park. Next up for the month of July is volleyball camp, Lemonade Weekend for Isaiah House, and then vacation to visit our dear friends in Minnesota. But first....was Hurricane Beryl, which was only a category 1 hurricane but we lost power for 4 long days. It was hot, it was humid, and it was anything but fun. But alas, we survived, huddled in one room with one AC unit, and one generator that kept our refrigerator and AC running. Without those two things, we would have had to move out. Thank God for the generator. While we were enjoying last minute tickets to Lion King on Broadway, we heard our power came back on. We were so excited to watch a wondeful show AND come home to lights and AC! 

    We had a great time visiting our dear sweet friends, the Hamner family. It is always a blessing to be with them. We enjoyed seeing their cabin on the lake and spending time with the family. Next up was Grand Marias which is near the Canadian border. It was absolutely gorgeous there. All in all, it was a restful, fun, soul-filling, friend-giving, family-loving week. In fact, I mentioned how much I loved the beautiful scenery and spending time with family so much the kids and Jay surprised me with a 2 day getaway in a cabin for my bday weekend. It was absolutely perfect nd probably my favorite bday on the books. 

    August started with a great bday then jumped right into the School Prayer Walk. This year we prayed over 68 campuses and had 59 churches/organizations adopt schools. It was such a God thing to partner with another organization and to cover so much territory. One of my other favorite events in August was Holy Graffiti party for Isaiah House. We wrote scripture and notes to kids on the studs so that the foundation was covered in God's Word and encouragement. Next year we will add another ISD - God keeps casting our nets. The kids went back to school on August 12 - Junior High here we come! It is amazing how mature and amazing they are. I definitely miss the summer days and was hard to get back rolling into all the things school brings, but here's to hoping it will be a great year.

July 2024

Vacation in MN with the Hamner Family: 

Prayer Walk 2024:

Holy Graffiti for Isaiah House: 

First Day of 7th Grade: August 12, 2024: 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

May - June 2024

    May is also referred to as May-cember because it is so busy. It has all the celebrations and activities that wrap up the school year and is a lot of fun. I love celebrating the girls and noting all their accomplishments. They sure are pretty amazing kids! The kids both had their awards ceremonies at school. Aubrey was awarded "most likely to be a math magician!" We got a good laugh out of that one. Both kids made honor roll. Avery presented her TPSP project on Spain which included a research paper, poster, and scrapbook along with a presentation with partners. Aubrey had a great choir performance and both girls earned the Ida Scudder Award in American Heritage Girls. They have worked very hard over the school year both in and out of school and we couldn't be more proud of them. 

    In May the family spoiled me with a  wonderful Mother's day. We went to church, had egg tacos for lunch, then tried a new adventure and made 3 different types of gnocchis (yukon gold, russet, and ricotta cheese). Boy, were they all delicious! We are professionals. I love spending time with the family and making memories. One of my mother's day requests was also to get family photos. I really loved the photos even though we got eaten alive by mosquitos! 

   At the end of May, Nana and Grandpa visited. The kids had fun shopping, an escape room, spending time together at the movies and playing games, and a cake bake-off. As always, it was a great week. The kids started strength and conditioning camp, which is a great way to get them in shape and start their day with some activity. They also enjoyed a volleyball camp. Avery then went to Indianapolis to compete at FPS Internationals. It was a great experience. Avery got off the plane and less than 12hr later, she and her sister whisked off to church camp for a week. Next up was Victory Camp, another church camp with friends. These kids sure do have a pretty good gig! They have attended a volleyball camp and clinics also this summer and are looking forward to trying out for the volleyball team in 7th grade. 

    For Father's Day we were happy to have dad home after 2 weeks of travel. We decided to do wood projects. The kids eached picked a craft to work on. Aubrey made a beautiful jewerly box that she painted and Avery worked hard at a hanging shelf with hooks for backpacks and sweatshirts. It was good to have a day together. 

    June flew by with camps: Strength and conditioning, Crosspoint weeklong sleep over camp, PHS volleyball camp, and Victory Camp. July kicked off with another weeklong sleep over camp. I would say summer has been off to a great start! 

May 2024

Mother's Day 2024

Professional Family Photos 2024: 

Nana and Granpa Visit May 2024: