Grace and Hope

Grace and Hope
Wait for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always! Pslam 131:3

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Surgery Was A Success!

On December 2, 2010 I had surgery to treat a right hydrosalpinx. The goal was to remove the right fallopian tube with an intact blood supply to the right ovary. We are happy to report that the right fallopian tube was removed without incident and the right ovary remains intact and healthy. The surgery as it relates to future fertility was a success....praise God!
I am slowly recovering from the surgery--perhaps a bit slower than I anticipated, but nonethless healing every day. I plan on returning to work 12 days after surgery--not too shabby! In the meantime, I'm taking it easy and soaking up the wonderful festivities of the holiday season. I am proud to announce that I have all my holiday shopping completed which is pretty much a small feat for me! Got to love online shopping these days!
Our plans for the future entail waiting for 2011 for future IVF attempts. We remain hopeful and prayerful.
Heres to a HEALTHY and HAPPY 2011!