Grace and Hope

Grace and Hope
Wait for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always! Pslam 131:3

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Family Fun!

Once again, we were spoiled with lots of love from the family this past month. We enjoyed a visit with Gramma in mid-July and then we went home for our first trip to PA with the girls to visit Gramma, Poppy, Nana, Grandpa, and Uncle Joel. Of course, we also loved seeing lots of other family and friends in PA as well. It goes without mentioning that we also get lots of fun times with Aunt Aimee and Uncle Israel too. We are so blessed to have so much family that loves us.
Our visit with Gramma was a lot of fun. Gramma enjoyed spending time with the girls at the splash pad. We also went to a farmer’s market and got lots of good fruit and veggies and enjoyed a sweet ice cream treat afterwards. We shared lots of good times with Aimee and Israel, especially some wonderful meals together. Mom spoiled us and took us all out to our favorite steakhouse and we ate like kings and queens for a night. Aimee and Israel also spoiled me and made a wonderful birthday dinner and the best chocolate peanut butter cake for dessert. Good memories.
Shortly after Gramma’s visit, we made our first trip home to PA. The girls experienced their first plane rides (4 total!). Overall, they tolerated the plane well and mom and dad survived the long days of travel! Unfortunately, Aubrey had an ear and throat infection on the return flight, so flying home was a little more rough, but both girls did ok overall. Avery definitely is miss fidget (just like her momma) so she was quite a handful when we were confined to one seat with her on our lap, but nonetheless, she was very well-behaved. Jay and I both got the best snuggly time in as each girl fell asleep in our arms on our final leg home.
We had such a great time visiting with Uncle Joel the first night of our visit in his new digs. Throughout the week's stay, we had many adventures with so many of our friends and family and it was so nice to see some of our favorite people. On the day of my birthday, I was able to celebrate with my parents, Jay and the girls and it was like ol’ times. Of course mom and dad spoiled me with way too much and treated me to some of my favorite foods—Yocco’s, non-perils from Josh Early Candies, dad’s famous lasagna and chocolate peanut butter cake from Premise Maid. It was one delicious day! Gramma and Poppy took the girls to the fish hatchery and they fed the fish. Avery really has been emphatic about her sign for fish ever since!! The girls both enjoyed some time in a baby pool and out back on a swingset and just running around like kids. Our time with Nana and Grandpa was just as fun. Everyone played outside and just soaked up the time together for the morning. In the afternoon, we went to the game preserve and walked around and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. We had a delicious dinner out together celebrating my birthday with the family. On Saturday we enjoyed celebrating Nana’s big 6-0 birthday!! The birthday girl really enjoyed her celebration and having her whole family there to celebrate. It was a special day.
Despite all the fun we had this past month, both girls got long summer colds. Thankfully they were both well for most of our trip to PA, but then Aubrey got an ear and throat infection on the latter end. I think there are a lot of pics with me holding Aubrey because my little snuggle bug really needs more loving when she doesn’t feel well and this momma has no problem with giving her all the loving she needs! Just yesterday I was counting my blessings. In the morning, I got to snuggle with Aubrey and hold her while she slept in my arms (because when you are sick, all you want is your momma right?!) and later in the same day, I got some one-on-one time with Avery and we decided to have a jumping game on my bed. She lined up the pillows on top of each other, would jump up as high as she could and land right on the pillows. She thought it was hilarious. I found all her tickle spots and that girl laughed until she couldn’t laugh anymore. These moments-a sleeping angel in your arms and the belly laugh of another angel- are the moments I wouldn’t trade in for the world. Thank you Lord for blessing me so.
 Pictures from July-August (21 months):
At Froberg's Farm with Gramma
Vroom, Vroom
Maybe this could pass as waving, but she really is saying..All Done, All Done!
Notice that her feet don't even come close to touching the ground and in the picture before, Avery's feet are on the ground!
I got this mom!
Praying before she eats her ice cream.
What an angel.
A picture opportunity with both of them in the same picture!
I love this sweet girl.
Gramma took us to the splash park!
Cupcake date with momma!
Aubrey: I'm going to get that cupcake!
We aren't taking our eyes off that cupcake!
More fun times at the park. that cotton candy?! Yummy! Thanks Grandpa for spoiling us!
A princes, complete with her candy, beads and painted toe nails!
Look at her go!
I got it and I'm not letting go!
Now this is the life!
Playing in the rain because well...that is what every kid should do! Kids embrace puddles and getting wet, so why not play and have fun!
She is so proud to give momma her finding.
Lots of kisses!
Avery sharing the love.

I LOVE these smiles.
Avery, I love your excitement.

PA Visit (Some pictures have varying quality because of the camera/phone that the picture was taken on. Some pics looked better smaller because they became more blurry as they got larger in size.):
Momma and her baby girl.

Visiting with Uncle Joel at his place...good ol' Philadelphia in the background.
Family Picture (Poor Aubrey was not feeling well).
Family Picture. Aubrey's first signs of a throat and ear infection.
Visiting with our long-time friend Vicki--notice how no one is looking at the camera!
The girls enjoying time at Nana's house at her table that she used to sit at.
Hi friends!
Enjoying snacks at Nana's kid table.
The girls with their second cousin Harper.
The birthday girl surrounded by friends and family.
Momma and Avery on the swingset.
Daddy and Avery.
Go girls, Go!
Grandpa helping the girls up the ladder. Yes, we are playing outside in our PJs, that is how we roll!
Grandpa and his baby girls
Nana with her baby girls (Avery's smile cracks me up!)
So sweet.
Avery striking a pose--getting her squat exercises in.

A little blrry, but its rare to get a picture with both the kids.  Love my girls!

Feeding the fish at the fish hatchery.

Loving from Gramma and Poppy.

My sweet and serious little girl.
There is that sneaky smile that I love!
Claiming her seat in the stroller!
Grandpa being silly with the girls.
Daddy showing Avery the fish in the water.
Action shot at the Game Preserve.
Do you see that Aubrey?
Grandpa helping Avery down the path.

Mommy and Daddy Pics:
No one makes me happier than my sweet and wonderful husband.
To be young and in love! Nothing sweeter:)