You ask—why the title? Well, we have three budding geniuses growing inside of me. Nothing to do with our genes, all to do with God. In every passing minute this week, brain cells were generating faster than 100 cells per minute, per baby!! I think they might be getting big heads already! Also, the nose, mouth, tongue and ears were formed this week. Each baby also has arm and leg buds, which will further develop into hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, and feet, knees and legs. The babies also now have their permanent set of kidneys, the intestines are starting to develop (if the babies truly are budding geniuses, they will stay away from mine and Jay’s!), pituitary gland, and tissue that will give rise to the lungs. Can you imagine all this development in just one week—and multiply it times three! God truly is amazing.
This week I meet with a nutritionist to best support pregnancy from a nutrition standpoint. The OB doesn’t think I’ll gain much weight the first trimester from being sick, but I’m here to prove him wrong. Gained 6 hard earned pounds, only 70 more to go!!! I think Jason is secretly jealous of my new “diet!” More to come next week!
At least now this is a "fun" diet as opposed to the others you've been on. Jay shouldn't be jealous :) You totally deserve it after having to limit yourself so much before.