Grace and Hope

Grace and Hope
Wait for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always! Pslam 131:3

Friday, September 2, 2011

Look Who’s Looking…

Twenty-six weeks and thankful for every bit of it! Every day the babies can grow in the womb is a small feat, but every week is a huge milestone! I hope and pray I will have many more weeks of writing about the awesome developments that have occurred in the past week. This week, the babies are now about 1 ¾ to 2 pounds each and measure about 13 ½ inches in length from head to toe. Essentially, I have two eggplant-sized babies growing in my belly!
The babies aren’t only getting bigger, but smarter too!! At this stage, the babies can open and close their eyes (now that the retinas are developed the eyelids are no longer fused) and look around in their environment. I imagine it is pretty dark inside, but if I were to shine a flashlight on my belly, they can now close their eyes in response and also give a good kick to shoo the light away. You ask—have I tried this?! My answer to you is--I’m on strict bedrest…I got some time on my hands! Haha. The babies not only are now tasting, hearing, and seeing in the womb, but also smelling as well. Both the development of their smell and taste allows them to discriminate between foods they like or don’t like, and they adjust their frequency and volume of swallowing based on these senses. It goes without saying that the brain is really starting to develop and grow at this point, in fact, 50% of their energy now is devoted to brain development.
Bedrest has been manageable so far, thanks to an amazing husband, family and friends. I’m willing to do it the rest of the pregnancy if it will improve the outcomes…so babies and I are going to enjoy some downtime together! This week Jay and I got to witness one of the neatest things…together we were able to feel Baby B have hiccups! I’m so glad Jay was home at the same time sitting right next to me because it really was a special moment. Since then, Baby A has had them and once again for Baby B.
I’m looking forward to the special baby shower celebration tomorrow…I’ll be posting pictures early next week from the shower.

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