Grace and Hope

Grace and Hope
Wait for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always! Pslam 131:3

Friday, October 7, 2011

Orange you glad we're at 31 weeks!

Today marks 31 weeks and we are happy our babies are continuing to do well.  Each baby is about the size of 4 navel oranges (8 for me!).  Orange you glad we're still talking about the pregnancy!  Though we can't wait to meet them, a little more time is the best thing for them.  Each baby now is about 16 inches long and about 3 lbs 2 oz.  We are really hoping our babies have hit that 3 lb mark each. 

This week in development the babies brain continues to work faster than ever, perceiving information from all 5 senses.  Our babies are so well developed now, you might be able to see them sucking their thumbs.  The lungs continue to develop, bones continue to strengthen, and the babies are plumping up.

This week there is concern for an infection in the fluid around baby B.  We pray that this not the case for if it is, we will need to deliver right away.  By Saturday, we will know official results.  If the coast is clear, I will continue to hang out here on bedrest and wait for these precious babies to arrive.  If we can make it one more week (32 weeks) it would be a major success considering my current circumstances.  Please continue to pray that there is no infection that affects the babies.  My body has adjusted to the medicine and I am feeling much much better....I might have a new definition of feeling normal and good, but feeling leaps and bounds better than last week.  I would do this for two more months if I have to but I'd love to get out of here and take care of myself at home!  Thank you for your prayers and support.

Jason was kind enough to take a few snapshots of the nursery so you could get an idea of what our babies have to look forward to.  He has done an amazing job putting this all together while I've been on bedrest. Hope you all get to read a 32 week blog posting because I'm looking forward to my cupcake!

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